Sunday, April 20, 2008

Whale Songs and Elephant Loves

I just listened to this podcast and it reminded me of this exhibit, that I had the privilege of seeing, in Santa Monica (in 2006).

Not because the two are directly related. But the one reminded me of the other.

The photography exhibit in Santa Monica was truly somewhat indescribable be in the exhibit, surrounded by music, smelling cold sand, standing in front of images that are Feet x Feet big and printed on touch-me-textured paper.... then we rode the ferris wheel...

Friday, April 18, 2008

"they shoot single people, don't they?"

Some thoughts:

1. tennis shoes are *amazingly* comfortable, after 5 hours of walking up and down stairs, in heels

2. an unexpectedly free bagel is a great way to start your day

3. red wine makes washing the dishes more enjoyable

4. some months are just going to be "one of those months"

5. finding a season of Sex & the City, that I don't own, for $15, makes me smile

6. rain smells good

7. connecting conversation is sustaining